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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Be contented, for you have almost everything i wanted.
Maybe you are unaware of it, but i am really jealous. You've got the looks, the man, the money and the power.
Maybe i am unaware that someone might be jealous of me due to what i have. But then again, who would?
Monday, January 03, 2011

i dont know who is reading this. but anw, so 2010 has past and i have not really achieved anything much. so demoralising.... i am still under the control of my mom, and i cant seem to get out of it... well maybe it is my fault that i didnt do anything to rebel. but i just cant seem to do that... i dont want her to feel like she has failed as a mom... but that means i have to compromise my freedom? so much so that i have lost someone quite important to me? man... i feel dumb.... or shld i just blame myself for not being able to fight for this love?... even my friends are slowly slipping away... are you all prioritising? or am i being self withdrawing? or both? i really want school to start... to put my mind off the only thing that is making me feel sad and lost. and to see my friends again. so that i know that they are still there, like how they are always there before the holidays...

ok enough of being emo....

yupp. A new year= a new start! 2011! 18 years old. which means legally clubbing and car licence is not far away from reach! but first thing first, A levels!!! ARG!!!! damn scared! if you are equally scared, SCREAM!!! YES! i say SCREAM!!! ok enough of being retarded... haha Yupp. so i will be busier than ever, seeing SYF coming and hopefully Germany trip too! whao i can feel the stress boiling inside already! yupps so just to be mentally prepared!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ok so my life is all of a sudden being filled with jerks....
and life is boring during the holidays... i kinda missed my books now... ( i tot i was having no life during the exams... but seems like i have even lesser life now! like WTH?!)

oh wells... going for JXY'10 on thurs. hope it would be good. but from what my friend told me, dont think it will be that up to standard... wells, we shall see k? haha! Anw, this few days, my allergy keep coming on and off. for no reason! or maybe there is... just that i dont know what is the reason lah....

I went for my teacher's wedding on last sat. it was not bad! haha then i went for concert at night.... the choirs were really good, but i still kinda doze off a little! haha then we met this weirdo... well they say first impression is very important! and i understand why so.... his first impression was really a flop! and i was kinda irritated by him... then come another second jerk... then that day was screwed further by my mom! haiz... the day started off nicely but ended in a not very nice tone... anw if you want any live updates about my mom, you can follow me and twitter! haha then the weirdo joined choir... haiz the rest though he was fine today... but i still dont like him... haha

so anw.. i think i would only blog after JXY... if there is anything for me to blog abt... haha kidding lah!
Sunday, October 17, 2010

ok so the stupid hormones had got me today. sick! i feel damn.. not myself. Like some emo kid that's going to slash myself anytime. haiz. this is one bad thing about being a girl. so tao yi jun wants me to blog my feelings out so that i wont feel so sian. so she wants me to type this: " i don't know why i am feeling this way.... must be the PMS" and " i dont know why... i am just upset" ok cut that crap kow. you can do better than that. yupp so i watched 3 idiots just now. again. to cheer myself up. not bad it did work a little. so i am feeling better. hmmm lets see. oh yesterday went church with my friends. then went dinner. end up i was the only girl there. then i was like..... but i am hungry! so no choice loh. haha. then they started saying, jo, your back nice. but turn in front... whao cannot look sia! then another one even better:" no... it should be.. er see the front after you see her back you will get a little disappointed." haha these guys... but at least they are better than my class guys. they will just outright tell you: " joc you are ugly. fool stop" haiz luckily my pms not that bad already. if on other days when it is damn jia lat. i think i will be crying now.... oh and that brings me into another point. Guys if you are reading this, forgive your girlfriend when they have their PMS. it is bad enough for them. they didnt want that to happen too. so next time your gf PMS, you just need to entertain them lah. haha
Thats all folks! haha
Friday, October 15, 2010

ok so finally i survived promos! haha i am sort of partying now.
so while waiting for my 3 idiots to load, i am writting this post lah. so the class has been in this politics frenzy! is that how i describe it? anw WW3 in 1T17 is starting soon. Not sure when though. haha not sure how would it turn out. But one thing for sure, J2 will be damn awkard for all of us. poor us! The class is already quite seperated already. can you imagine what will happen after it?

anw straight after my last paper, i went out with the girls to shop! haha no guys allowed. but sadly gr and derek found us when we were at far east. but managed to escape and continue shopping like some crazy women! luckly the guys never see how we shop haha! then we went to new look after that! omg i tell you! the heels there are like...! OMG! damn nice! but also quite ex! ok i must say again, i am a cheepo person! haha so i am waiting to work and get paid so that i can buy the shoe! haha!

then the next day when with the guys and yj to laser quest! haha it is quite fun leh! can relive my childhood dreams of being a police! haha quite embarrasing i must say, but it is just a dream la. think watch too much hong kong dramas then the police all like damn cool! haha anw, so 1st game was fun! but then i fell lah. i think i twisted my ankle or something. cos like quite pain. ok but still it was fun! haha and i am the last k? i am like 5th! yay. KL last! haha damn cute. roll all over the floor thats why kena owned! haha. but he smart next game he ran all over the place. so up his position abit! But the second game was not as fun. Because for SOME reason, i keep dying! yupps shall not talk abt it here.

Day 3 went out with the girls to the beach! haha i poured sunblock all over my body! then it works! i didnt get darker! yay! oh this outing also no guys allowed! haha went build sandcastle and played volleyball. we tried but abit fail lah. haha but still it was fun loh! haha if want to ask me abt the girls in general, i can tell you this ( to Jerome) Jael is very pretty and lady like! (to xiao nic and derek) Crys was very sporty and style with the shades. Eileen is like a celeb mom, haha and damn skinny! Just like the coconut tree trunk! hmm Jody damn cute! haha Jocelyn? just as aunty as ever! but the rest say i look like some tai tai! see got potential become future tai tai! haha

yupps thats all folks! take care!
Saturday, September 04, 2010

ok so many ppl have been asking me to update my blog! haha (jael and my xiao bai cai)
so... life was not bad in cj! made many new friends, enjoyed myself for the pass 8 mths. ok lets back track a bit. we had midyears... then our class mom left for uk to further her studies, then during aug, we helped out in yog. it is cool. but i made alot of enemies amongst the spectators... lols was damn pissed at them lah. tell them to follow the rules, they dont want, still want to argue with you... diao right? i mean if you are so smart then join the yog committee and set the rules! man.... some rules are set for a reason, so bloody hell just follow it! I am just trying to do my job by reminding them abt the rules, and they scold me.... man.... i am not the one who came out with the rules.... so what for vent your frustration on me and my friends? and most of them are Singaporeans.... if you are unhappy, go ahead, complain to my supervisor! i dont mind! ok enough of that.... erm besides that i made a few nice friends. cool people! haha so that is that.

Then when we resume school after the 2 weeks yog duty, i was told that i failed my napfa. hehe not that i am very fat.... ok i am fat.... but still... ya i could have gotten a silver ok? it was my standing broad jump that pulled me down to a bronze. but too bad cj needs you to get a silver or above, or you fail... so ya i failed cos of my broad jump. but the teacher say i have the muscles, i just lack the techniques lah... damn saded. haiz oh wells what can i do? just tell everyone i failed my napfa loh! haha

erm so now the highlight of the month is to prepare for year end promos. hmmm... still trying to start my engine. but the fact that i am typing this blog post shows that my engine is not fully warmed up yet. well i am trying to pick up the momentum. so give me some time lah. hehe

so if you are reading this post pls leave a comment on the tag box below! haha go ahead flood it! yay!
Saturday, January 30, 2010

So i went to my new school, CJC. attended the orientation. the guys in my group were damn enthu, but the girls were not, so i have to follow and keep it down. then the girls will not talk to the guys and the guys will not talk to the girls... but anyhow, the first two days were tiring, maybe because i still cant get use to the 'wake up early' routine. Oh wells i would be in another group starting Mon, because we will be going into our classes. we had to choose our combi, so i picked PCME! yay but not sure if i could get in, since so many ppl are going into that subject combination. cant wait for next week's dragon boating... missed it lah. went to try it when i was sec one, and then i fell in love with it, but too bad didn't get to do it again...

tried making Oreo cheese cake today, and i am waiting for the cake to be ready, hope it is a nice one! lols