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Saturday, September 04, 2010

ok so many ppl have been asking me to update my blog! haha (jael and my xiao bai cai)
so... life was not bad in cj! made many new friends, enjoyed myself for the pass 8 mths. ok lets back track a bit. we had midyears... then our class mom left for uk to further her studies, then during aug, we helped out in yog. it is cool. but i made alot of enemies amongst the spectators... lols was damn pissed at them lah. tell them to follow the rules, they dont want, still want to argue with you... diao right? i mean if you are so smart then join the yog committee and set the rules! man.... some rules are set for a reason, so bloody hell just follow it! I am just trying to do my job by reminding them abt the rules, and they scold me.... man.... i am not the one who came out with the rules.... so what for vent your frustration on me and my friends? and most of them are Singaporeans.... if you are unhappy, go ahead, complain to my supervisor! i dont mind! ok enough of that.... erm besides that i made a few nice friends. cool people! haha so that is that.

Then when we resume school after the 2 weeks yog duty, i was told that i failed my napfa. hehe not that i am very fat.... ok i am fat.... but still... ya i could have gotten a silver ok? it was my standing broad jump that pulled me down to a bronze. but too bad cj needs you to get a silver or above, or you fail... so ya i failed cos of my broad jump. but the teacher say i have the muscles, i just lack the techniques lah... damn saded. haiz oh wells what can i do? just tell everyone i failed my napfa loh! haha

erm so now the highlight of the month is to prepare for year end promos. hmmm... still trying to start my engine. but the fact that i am typing this blog post shows that my engine is not fully warmed up yet. well i am trying to pick up the momentum. so give me some time lah. hehe

so if you are reading this post pls leave a comment on the tag box below! haha go ahead flood it! yay!